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About Leadership

My workshops are targeted at principals and the senior management teams of small to

medium sized enterprises to enable them to develop their own leadership skills and to

identify and then nurture and develop the leadership skills of their senior team members.

The ultimate objective of the workshop is to equip leaders with the skills required to drive

continuous growth in their organisations.


        Firstly, JW asks the question “what does vision mean in the context of business leadership”.

He then follows with the presentation of a simple case study which explores how vision is

linked to strategy.


        JW presents the argument that being able to communicate a business vision with clarity and

then articulate and drive a strategy to achieve it is core for successful leadership.


        Delegates are then invited to work on their own “vision” for their business and to construct a

“strategic straw man” to illustrate how this vision can be achieved.

Urban View from Window


       This is not a word that the English language recognises, but it describes the most critical core quality that any leader must possess. In this session we return to the issue of Authentic Leaders and we explore how the qualities

and behaviours we identified previously can be used to generate “Followship”.


        JW introduces a simple tool to monitor “followship” within delegate organisations relating

both to themselves and those leaders (managers) that work for them.


        Delegates in pairs are invited to populate the tool and to explore how they have succeeded in generating

followship and to identify times where opportunities were missed

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