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About Leadership

My workshops are targeted at principals and the senior management teams of small to

medium sized enterprises to enable them to develop their own leadership skills and to

identify and then nurture and develop the leadership skills of their senior team members.

The ultimate objective of the workshop is to equip leaders with the skills required to drive

continuous growth in their organisations.


      This is the aspect of leadership that unlocks growth and ultimately success. JW opens with a number of brief case studies, some amusing, some extreme but all with a critically important message.


      JW then puts forward the first part of a toolkit in the shape of a leadership scorecard that

provides a template for developing an empowered organisation. Delegates are then invited

to use the scorecard to set out their own leadership agenda, they work individually, and selected delegates are then asked to present their work to the group.


      Under the heading of empowerment JW leads a discussion on the successful selection of future leadership talent. A second component to the tool kit is then introduced that helps delegates with their assessment of the potential leadership talent within their own


Urban View from Window


       JW leads the session by exploring the data leaders require to assess if their strategy is working and ultimately if the journey the business is on is heading toward the realisation of their vision. The frequency of data analysis is seen to be critical and delegates are asked to explore their businesses requirement for short, medium and long term data.


       How is the data required used in effective decision making? Where is judgement required when the data says one thing, but the leader sees another. How do you balance direct decision making with collective decision making?

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