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Workshops on Leadership

My workshops are targeted at principals and the senior management teams of small to

medium sized enterprises to enable them to develop their own leadership skills and to

identify and then nurture and develop the leadership skills of their senior team members.

The ultimate objective of the workshop is to equip leaders with the skills required to drive

continuous growth in their organisations.




      “In my business career I have been fortunate to have learnt from and be mentored by some of the best entrepreneurial minds of present times. I developed this workshop because I see the biggest issue holding back the growth of small and mid-sized businesses is the lack of opportunity for business managers to learn and grow as leaders.


      In this workshop I have produced a framework based around 5 core elements of leadership that will enable the leaders and senior managers of growth companies to extend their leadership skills and achieve material levels of growth in their organisations.



          This is a lively open discussion session started by identifying respected leaders that delegates may have worked with or who they admire in the public arena. The objective is to draw up a list of personal qualities and behaviours that the group believe should reside within the leaders of their business.


JW guides the session to arrive at a set of descriptive

words that broadly align with those proposed by McKinsey’s Martin Bower in his work “Developing Leaders in a Business”

From this high-level interactive discussion JW presents a template that introduces the Hays/McBer “Six Styles of leaders”. To fully illustrate how these styles can be identified JW presents a video showing an internationally recognised leader dealing with a major national

issue in his home country. 


          Following this the group works in pairs with the objective of each delegate identifying their most natural leadership style. The styles, qualities and behaviours discussed in this opening

session will be regularly referred to during the workshop to ensure that delegates are remaining authentic and sensitive to varying situations in their leadership thinking.

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