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Stage 2 Non-Executive Search and Advisory


Whilst over 95% of UK businesses would be regarded as SMEs or Growth companies it is a fact that very few break-through to become genuine mid-sized businesses, building material market share and growing significant shareholder value.


There are many reasons for this; entrepreneurs are risk takers; the engines behind their business’s growth, in fact the engine behind the economy’s growth, as a consequence they often don’t want to be involved in managing bigger teams and dealing with the middle or back office issues that larger enterprises encounter.


At Stage 2 our advisory and Non-Executive services help growth businesses to build the bridge from development to maturity. Our track record is second to none, click on the portfolio tab to review our case studies. Whilst every business we support has its own individual needs the following 5 areas reflect the needs of most clients


  • Organisation development and senior team performance

    • Business owners/CEO’s/MD’s often get too close to their senior colleagues and don’t measure their capability in terms of the long-term goals of the company. Experienced NEDs will give an independent view on senior team structure and performance based on experience with organisations on similar journeys to your own


  • Analysing performance and financial management

    • NED’s with direct sector experience will offer a different view on performance, often focussing on a series of key performance indicators or critical success factors that are more strategic and in turn improving reporting in the eyes of potential investors or financiers


  • Building market share and competitive advantage

    • An NED drawn from a target market or with high level experience of the type of service offerings you are working towards can bring credibility in front of clients and potential new employees


  • Governance and compliance

    • In this ever more regulated World keeping your company compliant is increasingly important. Having an NED that can provide the oversight on these issues and keep the board in check can be invaluable


  • Raising investment or executing a sale or partial sale of the business

    • This is a specialist area and a once in a lifetime event for most business owners. It requires careful planning, the correct presentation of the company’s financial performance and real clarity around future strategy. 

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